Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My story (Updated)

I started off this blog as a student of International Human Rights Law (see here).

Today i am blogging as a lecturer of International Human Rights Law. Yes, the circle is complete. When i left you, i was but a learner. Now, *I* am the master!

Hehehe. Couldn't resist the Star Wars reference! :-P

This blog has been somehow neglected after i completed me studies - altho there had been a couple of occasions when i tried (in vain) to spark off a revival. This is my 3rd attempt at that. I hope i have the stamina to go on.

What sparked off this round of revival was when i met a senior lawyer the other day and he congratulated me on the blogs i have! I'm sure he meant well but i din take his compliment to heart. Me blogs are no big deal. But he insisted, saying that it is good that people in our line take the time to blog and share our views.

I thought of this blog then. It was a good idea back then. And though i doubt if anybody really followed it, this blog was meant also as a tribute to the many who's rights have been wrong, to the many who stood up for the rights of others or of themselves. This is whatever little i can do for them.

I remember the poem i share with all my students at the start of the year:-

I am only one
But still, i am one
I cannot everything
But still, i can do something
And because i cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that i can do
Edward Everett Hale

I will not be too ambitious and will try to update this blog on a weekly basis at the very least.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Engin's story

Engin Ceber had protested against the shooting of a fellow human activist in Turkey last year by the local police. He was arrested for doing so.

While in prison at Istanbul, he was beaten up severely, allegedly by prison guards. He informed his lawyer and he was taken to hospital where he fell into a coma. Engin passed away on 11th October 2008.

In a rare move, the Turkish government issued an apology and suspended 19 officials.

Let's hope those responsible will be charged and convicted by law.

Source: BBC News Online here